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A Little History

Building Biology

Initially known as Bau'Biological in Germany, where this interdisciplinary building field originated over 45 years ago.
The study not only evaluates the built environment for stressors but includes location, building materials, ecological
impact, furnishings and indoor air quality, to name a few. The discipline's primary focus is on the fundamental relationship between the built environment and human health, and on ecological sustainability.

Professor Anton Schneider was one of the principal founders of "Bau-Biologie"(Building for life). He coined our 25 Guiding Principles which is the foundation of the studies to this day.
In 1987, the distinguished German architect, Helmut Ziehe, brought the profession to the United States, founding The International Institute for Bau-Biologie® & Ecology (IBE). He went from a modernist architect to fully embrace the principles of Bau-Biologie, never reverting to conventional architecture. 

Providing a transforming alternative to industry standards Building Biology is governed by SBM. This term is the German abbreviation for Standard der Baubiologischen Messtechnik;
Translation: The Standard of Building Biology Measurement Technique. SBM has become a highly regarded international standard for healthy indoor environments. 

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History: Photo Gallery
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